A big, exciting thing.

In real life I work in communications and any time anyone wants to communicate anything I first have to write a communications plan, which, for the uninitiated, is an extremely boring document detailing your goals, key messages, tactics, deliverables, and how you’ll measure your success. I don’t really like writing them, because I am a BIG PICTURE (impatient) person and I just like to jump into things and see how they come together once I’m in them. Nevertheless, I follow protocols and write plans and pretend I am an adult professional who can do things properly.

And now, here I am, with communication of my own to communicate, and I know I should take a deep breath or ten and write a plan. Or, at least, figure out my key messages.

But sweaty and messy has always been more my style. Which is why I am nervously thrilled to announce that Well Fed, Flat Broke, the cookbook, will be published by Arsenal Pulp Press and on bookstore shelves in Spring 2015. I have so much work to do, but I am so excited. And I could not have done it without you. Without you, I’m just some pantsless cat lady with a gross kitchen and an abnormal enthusiasm for fibre. Actually, I pretty much am that, but you keep coming back. So this is all your fault, but in a really good way.

Thank you. Like, very much.

Well … I guess I’d better grab a beer and get to work.





16 thoughts on “A big, exciting thing.

  1. EMILY! That is amazing and totally deserved, and I hope you make it oh-so-you (with a touch of Amy Sedaris and some cheap wine to inspire you along the way). Can’t wait. I would like my copy signed, please, so I can tell people “I know her. No, really. She didn’t just sign this at some bookstore signing … I swear.”


  2. This is such fantastic news! A great press full of talented people + you is going to make for amazing things. Congratulations!!!


  3. Thanks, everyone! Sumeet, you’re just asking for a bran muffin shipment. And Katharine, the publisher does 55% of its sales in the US – if you can’t find one, it sounds like it’ll be on Amazon 🙂


  4. I knew it would come about sooner or later. I have read your blog for almost 2 years and thought it would be insane if you didn’t get your own book. ~smiling~ Very well-deserved. I know it will be a smashing success.


  5. That is amazing!! And well deserved! I will be getting my copy as soon as humanly possible. You make lazy, hapless, no pants, culinarily-challenged people like me feel like they can cook while still having fun and getting quietly drunk, so, in my book, you deserve all the publishing deals in the world!


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